Accuracy of parameters
- Voronoi Diagram Based Cumulative Approximation for Engineering Optimization (PDF)
- The accuracy of parameters determined with the core-sampling method: Application to Voronoi tessellations Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series
- Finding galaxy clusters using Voronoi tessellations Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series
- The accuracy of analysis of Voronoi-tessellations Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series
Active learning
- CIS 610-Advaced Geometric Methods in Computer Science Course Information
- Meshing and Triangulation
- Course on Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Operations Research
- Lecture Notes-35.679 Computational Geometry S96
- Comp.Graphics.Algorithms FAQ
- Comp.Graphics.Algorithms FAQ, Section 6 - Geometric Structures and Mathematics
- Course on Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Operations Research
- Final Programming Project-Voronoi Diagram Application (PDF)
- Sergei Zuyev - Download
- Packing Pennies in the Plane
- Voronoi diagram/Delaunay triangulation
- Voronoi Sweepline Algorithm
- Texture Garden links page
Arrange objects
- Voronoi分割とDelaunay三角形網
- Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Features in Spatial Point Processes Using Voronoï Tessellation
- Voronoï Diagram (Dunlaing & Yap, 82) (PDF, page 9)
- MERL - V-Clip Collision Detection Library
- Weighted Voronoi Diagrams in Biology
- Common Medial Model Generation Step 2. Determination of common model topology (PPT)
- Bioinformatics Exercises-Multipe Sequence Alignments: The Voronoi Weighting Scheme
- Elastic moduli of model random three-dimensional closed-cell cellular solids - Voronoi tessellations
- Atom partitioning of integration grid (VORONOI)
- Voronoi-Dirichlet Polyhedra for Uranium(VI) Atoms in Oxygen-Containing Compounds
- Voronoi-Dirichlet Polyhedra of Uranium (ll-V) Atoms in Oxygen-Containing Compounds
- Locating Binding Sites in Protein Structures
- Modelling of Apple Tissue Using the Voronoi Tessellation Approach
- Mesoscopic Dyanmics of Voronoi Fluid Particles (PDF)
- Theoretical and numerical methods for mesoscale modelling of fluids:
- Dinamica determinista del modelo de particulas fluidas de Voronoi
- Softening of nanocrystalline metals at very small grain sizes
- - Practical Collision Detection
- Abstract-Non-atomic solvent driven Voronoi tessellation of proteins: an open tool to analyze protein folds
- Molecular Volume and Protein Packing
- Dynamics Simulations of Transport and Separation of Supercritical Fluid Mixtures through Nanoporous Membranes
- Analysis of Lanthanide pi Complexes in Terms of Voronoi–DirichletPolyhedra
- On a Voronoi Aggregative Process Related to a Bivariate Poisson Process
- Statistical Geometry of Water Structure
- Irregular Sampling-A First Guided Tour on the Irregular Sampling Problem
- Irregular Cellular Automata Page
- Voronoi Polyhedra and Delaunay Simplexes in the Structural Analysis of Molecular-Dynamics-Simulated Materials
- Voronoi polyhedra as tool for dealing with spatial structures of amorphous solids, liquids and dense gases
- Jun: Class sra.jun.voronoi.twoD.diagram.JunVoronoi2dDot
- Jun: Class sra.jun.voronoi.twoD.diagram.JunVoronoi2dPoint
- Jun: Class sra.jun.voronoi.twoD.diagram.JunVoronoi2dSide
- Jun: Package sra.jun.voronoi.twoD.diagram
- Uses the depth buffer to intersect cones drawn at each point selected by the user
- mmskiz - Skeleton of Influence Zone - also know as Generalized Voronoi Diagram
- Systems Biophysics - Research - Self-Organizing Networks - DemoGNG Code
- On the Voronoi Neighbor Ratio for Binary Linear Block Codes
- Tripack Lib
- Extensible HTML version 1.0 Strict DTD
- voronoi.h
Computational mechanics
- Abstract: Machine Part Family Formation Utilizing the Hausdorff-Voronoi Neural Network (HAVNET) (DOC)
- Presentation: Machine Part Family Formation Utilizing the Hausdorff-Voronoi Neural Network (HAVNET) (PPT)
- Frequently Asked Questions about Qhull
- A Sequence of Generalized Coordinate Systems Based on Voronoi Diagrams and its Application to Interpolation
- A List-Processing Approach to Compute Voronoi Diagrams and the Euclidean Distance Transform
- Neural Network Design Using Voronoi Diagrams
- Computational Geometry
- The Open Problems Project
- Competitive Facility Location: The Voronoi Game (PDF)
- 1 Voronoi Diagrams
- Book-EDM/2 - The Codesmith's Library - Computational Geometry in C, 2nd Edition
- Directory of Computational Geometry Software
- Computing the Delaunay complex and the Voronoi diagram. What does it mean and how to do it with available software?
- Skew Voronoi Diagram
- Geometria Computacional - IME-USP
- Computer Assisted Sphere Packing in Higher Dimensions (PDF)
- Common Properties and Notational Conventions
- XYZ GeoBench for experimental geometric computation
- Computational Geometry
- Discovery of Influence Sets in Frequently Updated Databases (PDF)
- Meshless Finite Element Ideas (PDF)
- Computational Geometry
General applications
- Dot Pattern Processing Using Voronoi Neighborhoods
- Voronoi Diagrams: Applications from Archaology to Zoology
- Voronoi diagrams
- Watershed Delineation in the TRIM Watershed Atlas
- Catalog of Prebuilt Hipparchus Voronoi Index Structures Navigation Toolbar
- Catalog of Prebuilt Hipparchus Voronoi Index Structures
- Spatially-balanced Sampling of Natural Resources in the Presence of Frame Imperfections (PDF)
- Case Studies: Predicting Climate Change Effects on Forest Processes: Weather Station Measurements to Spatial Coverage
- Snow's investigation
- Modelling Retail Trade Areas with the use of Voronoi Diagrams (doc)
- Abstract: Voronoi Polyhedra
- RUM Description
- Voronoi Diagrams: Applications from Archaology to Zoology
- Voronoi Percolation in Rd (PDF)
- Abstract: The critical probability for Voronoi percolation.
- Geodyssey's Hipparchus Open GIS C/C Multi-thread Re-entrantGeographic and Spatial Mapping Components plus Galileo GIS Developer'sWorkbench and Georama Digital GPS-ready World Atlases and Gazetteers
- RSES Natural Neighbours homepage-Geophysical applications of Natural Neighbours
Geoscientific modelling
- The svLis geometric modeller
- Abstract (Applying Voronoi Diagram in the Automatic Grouping of Polyphony)
- [1]
- HighRoad 6.0 User Manual - Chapter 24
- Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams in the Presence of Rectilinear Barriers
- A Brief Tour of Nonlinear Magnification
- CVonline: Object, World and Scene Representations
- Low dimensional Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation
- Medial axis and constrained Delaunay triangulation
- RR-4585 : Approximate decomposition of some modulated-Poisson Voronoi tessellations
- Fraunhofer ITWM: Examples of models for microstructures
- Three-dimensional alpha shapes
- Constrained Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations on General Surfaces
- Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVTs) and their applications to Numerical PDEs
- On zone-reduction in Voronoi-cells of lattices of the first kind
- Applications of 3D Delaunay triangulation algorithms in geoscientific modelling.
- Cihan H. Dagli's Research
- A Tight Bound for the Complexity of Voronoi Diagrams under Polyhedral Convex Distance Functions in 3D (PDF)
- Viper Segmentation page
- Constructing Approximate Voronoi Diagrams from Digital Images of Generalized Polygons and Circular Objects (PDF)
- Voronoi Tiling via Raster Techniques
- Proximity Graphs
- Vector Set-Partitioning with Successive Refinement Voronoi Lattice VQ for Embedded Wavelet Image Coding (PDF)
- Image Segmentation using Voronoi Polygons and MCMC, with Application to Muscle Fibre Images (PDF)
- VoronoImage
- Wallpaper Groups: history
- Graphics Page
- My face on a Voronoi Diagram
- Multiresoultion Representation and Reconstruction of Adaptively Sampled Images
- Pseudo-Random Halftone Screening for Color and Black & White Printing (PDF)
- Janet Hansen Fine Art - Vivid Abstractions, Geometric Paintings
- Stylized Depiction: Non-Photorealistic, Painterly and 'Toon Rendering
- Fast Matrix Multiplies using Graphics Hardware
- Voronoi Camera
- Mathematical Web Sites
- Jara Software: MLLib
- Christopher Gold - Voronoi methods in geomatics--the importance of the spatial model
- Robert Erdahl - Dicings, Zonotopes, and Voronoi's conjecture on parallelohedra
- COMAP Web Links Course 2 Grade 10 Unit 5
- netlib home page
- Octave_links
- To find center, the unique point in 2 or higher-dimensional space
- Vector Quantization
- An Introduction to Voronoi Diagrams and Their Applications
- Continuous Location Problems
- Classification of Voronoi and Delone tiles in quasicrystals: I
- Classification of Voronoi and Delone tiles of quasicrystals: II
- Iterative reconstruction of multivariate band-limitedfunctions from irregular sampling values
- University of Pittsburgh: Department of Mathematics
- Computational geometry
- A Review of Current Geometric Tolerancing Theories
- Hybrid Segmentation of the Visible Human Data
- Unequal N HSD
- Natural Neighbour Galerkin methods (PDF)
- The Natural Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (PDF)
- Biomedical Structural Research
- Medial Surface Transformations for Rapid Approximation of Casting Solidification (PDF)
- k-means
Ornamental design
- Using the Voronoi Tessellation for Grouping Words and Multi-part Symbols in Documents
- Weighted Voronoi Stippling
Other collections
Physical science
- Robotics
- John Baez
- Problems in a Digital Description of a Configuration of Atoms and Some Other Geometrical Topics in Physics
- What is GHL?
Placement of nodes and elements
- A Replacement for Voronoi Diagrams of Near Linear Size
- Voronoi Diagrams Based on General Metrics in the Plane
- How can I arrange N points evenly on a sphere?
- The Probabilistic Complexity of the Voronoi Diagram of Points on a Polyhedron
- Program - A Replacement for Voronoi Diagrams of Near Linear Size
- BCRP Woodland Caribou in Alberta – Literature
- Go - Other Boards
- CSNA Web -- 'On-Line Software for Classif. ...'
- Geographic tools, DLL API's and sample programs
- Vertical Mapper: Voronoi Diagram Example
Route Planning
- Unsupervised ontogenic networks (PDF)
- How representative are samples in a sampling network?
- Visibility Graph and Voronoi Diagram (PPT)
- Das Traveling-Salesman-Problem - Anwendungen und heuristischeNutzung von Voronoi-/Delaunay-Strukturen zur Lösung euklidischer,zweidimensionaler Traveling-Salesman-Probleme (PDF)
- Network Design
- Algorithmus von Voronoi / Reine kubische Körper (in German)
- High School Projects
- Robot Path Planning Using Generalized Voronoi Diagrams.
- Voronoi Diagrams Based on Convex Distance Functions
- Multiplicatively Weighted Crystal Growth Voronoi Diagrams (Thesis)
- Quickest Paths, Straight Skeletons, and the City Voronoi Diagram
- Drawing Graphs with NEATO
- Abstract: Incremental Construction of the Generalized Voronoi Diagram, the Generalized Voronoi Graph, and the Hierarchical Generalized Voronoi Graph
- Online Software for Clustering
- [2]
- LEDA Overview
- SysQuake LE On The Web
- Voronoi Game-Dennis Shasha Omniheurist Course
- GeoPrO Voronoi Diagram with sites in both sides of the plane
- Voronoi Polygons
- User Manual and Supporting Information for Library of Codes for Centroidal Voronoi Point Placement and Associated Zeroth, First, and Second Moment Determination (PDF)
- V-Clip: Fast and Robust Polyhedral Collision Detection (PDF)
- Voronoi Polygons
- Optimization Softwares and Test Problems
- Takashi Ohyama's Elliptic Voronoi diagram page
- Takashi Ohyama's Farthest-Point Voronoi diagram page
- Takashi Ohyama's Voronoi diagram page
- Takashi Ohyama's area of Voronoi region (Click version) page
- Machine Vision
- SGSI - GIS Desktop Mapping and Remote Sensing {Index}
- Northwest MapInfo User's Group
- Short Descriptioin of the Software for the Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagram
- Simulog Technologies-Meshing Software Components
- Free Software for Smalltalk
- The MGE_FIT_SECTORS package
- Bulletin - Community Instantly
Telecommunications network
- Stochastic Geometry: a Tool for Modeling Telecommunication Networks
- Anne-Elisabeth Baert: Broadcasting Algorithm in Cellular Networks Based on Voronoï Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation
Terrain Modelling
- Location-Based Services And Topology
- 0.Modelling Geographical Systems: Statistical and Computational Applications
- Levels of Detail & Polygonal Simplification
- CS 760M Project - Surface Reconstruction by Voronoi Filtering - slide 0
- CS 760M Project - Surface Reconstruction by Voronoi Filtering - slide 1
- Voronoi Graphs
- Voronoi-The reasons why the GVDs are so crucial as a new way of spatial tessellations in GIS
- Nearest Neighbor Search
- DC MetaData pour: Approximate decomposition of some modulated-Poisson Voronoi tessellations
- New Surfaces over Voronoi Diagrams
- Voronoi Diagrams: The Modelling of Natural and Synthetic Structures
- Cut Locus & Medial Axis in the Euclidean Space and on Surfaces
- Taxicab Geometry
- Voronoi Polygons
- The Voronoi-Delaunay methodology for modelling of flow and analysis of voids
- Boundary Functions
- Abstract-Splines over iterated Voronoi Diagrams (PDF)
- Fast Extraction of Adaptive Multiresolution Meshes with Guaranteed Properties from Volumetric Data
- VoroGlide, interactive Voronoi diagrams
- Skew Voronoi Diagrams
- Voronoi Diagrams for Planar Shapes
- Strategic Directions in Computational Geometry Working Group Report
- The Free-from Light Stage (PDF)
- Distributed Services for Microsensor Networks (PDF)
- Voronoi Diagram
- Spatial Data and The Voronoi Tessellation
- Libraries and Tools for Haskell
- Data Structures in the Web
- A Block Extraction Program-Based on the Area Voronoi Diagram (PDF)
- Online Software for Clustering
- AMCA: Multi Voronoi Nets System for Market Information Processing by Marina Resta
- Non-linear resampling for edge preserving moire suppression (PDF)
- Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry 447b3 / 747b3 Bioinformatics
- Prove-Protein Volume Evaluator
- Calyxa's Bryce Tutorials
- Variance
- Pattern Recognition on the Web
- Elastic properties of model random three-dimensional open-cell solids, J. Mech. Phys. Solids
- Fast Nearest Neighbor Search using Voronoi Diagram (PDF)
- Cannonballs and Honeycombs
- Voronoi-Based Region Approximation for Geographical Information Retrieval with Gazetteers
- Voronoi-Based Region Approximation for Geographical Information Retrieval with Gazetteers (PDF)
- Constraint-Based Motion Planning
- A New-Voronoi-Based Reconstruction Algorithm (PDF)
- Quasicrystal and Symmetry
- Do Irregular Grids make a Difference? Relaxing the Spatial Regularity Assumption in Cellular Models of Social Dynamics
- Varinace-Based k-Clustering Algorithms by Voronoi Diagrams and Randomization
- Table of contents for Spatial tessellations: concepts and applications of Voronoi diagrams
- Transportation Voronoi Diagrams (PDF)
- Problems in a Digital Description of a Configuration of Atoms and Some Other Geometrical Topics in Physics
- Multiresolution Representation and Reconstruction of Adaptively Sampled Images (PDF)
- The One-Round Voronoi Game (PDF)
- SimplicialVIEW, a package for robust stability analysis.
- The Analysis Extension Features
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