- M. Dakowicz and C. M. Gold. Structuring kinetic maps. In A. Reidl, W. Kainz, and G Elmes, editors, Progress in Spatial Data Handling-12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 477-493. Springer, 2006. PDF
- C. M. Gold. What is GIS and what is not? Transactions in GIS, 10(4), 2006. PDF
- C. M. Gold and P. Angel. Voronoi hierarchies. In Proceedings GIScience, Münster, Germany, 2006. PDF
- C. M. Gold and M. Dakowicz. Kinetic Voronoi/Delaunay drawing tools. In Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and *Engineering (ISVD 2006), pages 76-84, Banff, Canada, 2006. PDF
- C. M. Gold, R. O. C. Tse, and Hugo Ledoux. Building reconstruction-outside and in. In Alias Abdul-Rahman, Sisi Zlatanova, and Volker Coors, editors,Innovations in 3D Geo Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pages 355-369. Springer, 2006.
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. A Voronoi-based map algebra. In A. Reidl, W. Kainz, and G Elmes, editors, Progress in Spatial Data Handling-12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 117-131. Springer-Verlag, 2006. In Press. PDF
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. Simultaneous storage of primal and dual three-dimensional subdivisions. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2006. In press. PDF
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. La modélisation de données océanographiques à l’aide du diagramme de Voronoï tridimensionnel (in French). Revue internationale de g?matique, 16(1):51-70, 2006. PDF
- K. Matuk, Christopher M. Gold, and Zhilin Li. Skeleton based contour line generalization. In A. Reidl, W. Kainz, and G Elmes, editors, Progress in *Spatial Data Handling-12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 643-658. Springer-Verlag, 2006. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse, C. M. Gold, and D. Kidner. A new approach to urban modelling based on LIDAR. In Proceeding Winter School of Computer Sciences 2006, the 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, pages 279-286, Plzen, Czech Republic, 2006. PDF
- M. Dakowicz and C. M. Gold. Interactive TIN modification with a cutting tool. In Proceedings 4th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 5-9, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, 2005.PDF
- M. Dakowicz and Christopher M. Gold. Concepts of interactive terrain modification. In Proceedings GIS Research UK, 13th Annual Conference, pages 252-257, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005.
- Christopher M. Gold. Data structures for dynamic and multidimensional GIS. In Proceedings 4th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 36-41, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, 2005.PDF
- Christopher M. Gold and M. Chau. 3D Cartography: The Marine GIS. In Proceedings GIS Research UK, 13th Annual Conference, pages 484-490, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005.
- C. M. Gold and M. Dakowicz. The crust and skeleton - applications in GIS. In Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, pages 33-42, Seoul, Korea, 2005. PDF
- Christopher M. Gold, Hugo Ledoux, and Marcin Dzieszko. A data structure for the construction and navigation of 3D Voronoi and Delaunay cell complexes. In Proceedings 13th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, pages 21-22, Plzen, Czech Republic, 2005. PDF
- B. King, E. Matuk, K. Matuk, and C. M. Gold. Terrain reconstruction from ground-based laser data. In Proceedings International Symposium and Exhibition on Geoinformation, Penang, Malaysia, 2005. PDF
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. Interpolation as a tool for the modelling of three-dimensional geoscientific datasets. In Proceedings 4th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 79-84, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, 2005. PDF
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. Spatial interpolation: From two to three dimensions. In Proceedings GIS Research UK, 13th Annual Conference, pages 518-523, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005.
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. The 3D Voronoi diagram and its dual: Simultaneous construction and storage. In Topology and Spatial Databases Workshop 2005, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005.
- Hugo Ledoux, Christopher M. Gold, and George Baciu. Flipping to robustly delete a vertex in a Delaunay tetrahedralization. In Proceedings International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications-ICCSA 2005, volume 3480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 737-747, Singapore, 2005. Springer-Verlag. PDF
- Zhilin Li, Q. Zhu, and C. M. Gold. Digital Terrain Modelling - Principles and methodology. CRC Press, London, 2005.
- K. Matuk, Christopher M. Gold, and Zhilin Li. 3D terrain skeleton approximations from contours. In Proceedings 4th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 122-127, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, 2005. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse, M. Dakowicz, C. M. Gold, and D. Kidner. Building reconstruction using LIDAR data. In Proceedings 4th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 156-161, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, 2005. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse, M. Dakowicz, C. M. Gold, and D. Kidner. Automatic building extrusion from a TIN model using LiDAR and Ordnance Survey landline data. In Proceedings GIS Research UK, 13th Annual Conference, pages 258-264, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005. PDF
- F. Anton, D. Mioc, and C. M. Gold. Line voronoi based interpolation and application to digital terrain modelling. In Proceedings ISPRS 2004 - XXth Congress, volume Vol. II, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.
- C. M. Gold. Applications of kinetic Voronoi diagrams. In Proceedings 3rd Voronoi Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Space Tilings, pages 169-178, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.
- C. M. Gold, M. Chau, M. Dzieszko, and R. Goralski. 3D geographic visualization: The Marine GIS. In P. F. Fisher, editor, Developments in Spatial Data Handling - 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 17-28. Springer, 2004.
- C. M. Gold, M. Chau, M. Dzieszko, and R. Goralski. An efficient natural neighbour interpolation algorithm for geo-scientific modelling. In P. F. Fisher, editor, Developments in Spatial Data Handling - 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 97-108. Springer, 2004.
- C. M. Gold, M. Chau, M. Dzieszko, and R. Goralski. The `marine gis' - dynamic GIS in action. In Proceedings of ISPRS 2004 - XXth Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.
- C. M. Gold, E. Matuk, and K. Matuk. Terrain reconstruction from ground-based laser data. In Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Kunming, China, 2004.
- Hugo Ledoux and Christopher M. Gold. An efficient natural neighbour interpolation algorithm for geoscientific modelling. In Peter F. Fisher, editor, Developments in Spatial Data Handling-11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 97-108. Springer, 2004. PDF
- H. Ledoux and C. M. Gold. Modelling oceanographic data with the three-dimensional Voronoi diagram. In ISPRS 2004-XXth Congress, volume II, pages 703-708, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. PDF
- M. A. Mostafavi and C. M. Gold. A global spatial data structure for marine simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 18(3):211-227, 2004.
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. TIN Meets CAD - Extending the TIN Concept in GIS. Future Generation Computer systems (Geocomputation), 20(7):1171-1184, 2004.
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. 3D urban terrain modelling with bridges and holes. In Proceedings 30th Congress of the International Geographical Union, pages 15-20, Glasgow, UK, 2004. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse, C. M. Gold, and D. Kidner. An original way of building a TIN with complex urban structures. In Proceedings of ISPRS 2004 - XXth Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.
- M. Dakowicz and C. M. Gold. Extracting meaningful slopes from terrain contours. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 13(4):339-357, 2003. PDF
- C. M. Gold. But is it GIS? Journal of Geospatial Engineering, 5(2):11-26, 2003.
- C. M. Gold and M. Dakowicz. Digital elevation models from contour lines. The GIM International Journal, 17(2):56-59, 2003. PDF
- C. M. Gold, R. Goralski, and H. Ledoux. Development of a 'marine gis'. In Proceedings 21st International Cartographic Conference, Durban, South Africa, 2003.
- C. M. Gold, E. Matuk, and K. Matuk. Terrain reconstruction from ground-based laser data. In Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Kunming, China, 2003.
- M. A. Mostafavi, C. M. Gold, and M. Dakowicz. Dynamic Voronoi/Delaunay Methods and Applications. Computers & Geosciences, 29(4):523-530, 2003. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. A proposed connectivity-based model for a three-dimensional cadastre. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27(4):427-445, 2003. PDF
- M. Dakowicz and C. M. Gold. Extracting meaningful slopes from terrain contours. In P. M. A. Sloot, C. J. K. Tan, J. J. Dongarra, and A. G. Hoekstra, editors, Proceedings Computational Science - ICCS 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2231, pages 144-153. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002. PDF
- M. Dakowicz and C. M. Gold. Visualizing terrain models from contours - plausible ridge, valley and slope estimation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop On Visualization and Animation of Landscape, Kunming, China, 2002. PDF
- C. M. Gold. But is it gis? In Brindley P. Kim Y.-H. Wise, S. and C. Openshaw, editors, Keynote Speaker: The Research UK 10th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2002, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2002.
- C. M. Gold and M. Dakowicz. Terrain modelling based on contours and slopes. In D. Richardson and P. van Oosterom, editors, Advances in Spatial Data Handling. Proceedings, 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2002. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. TIN Meets CAD - Extending the TIN Concept in GIS. In P. M. A. Sloot, C. J. K. Tan, J. J. Dongarra, and A. G. Hoekstra, editors, Proceedings Computational Science - ICCS 2002, volume 2331, pages 135-143, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. Integration of terrain models and built-up structures using CAD-type Euler operators. In Proceedings International Workshop On Visualization and Animation Of Landscape, Kunming, China, 2002. PDF
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. A surface-representation approach to a three-dimensional cadastre. The GIM Internation Journal, 16(6):46-49, 2002. PDF
- R.-L. Zhao, Z.-L. Li, J. Chen, C. M. Gold, and Y. Zhang. A hierarchal raster method for computing Voronoi diagrams based on quadtrees. In P. M. A. Sloot, C. J. K. Tan, J. J. Dongarra, and A. G. Hoekstra, editors, Proceedings Computational Science - ICCS 2002, volume 2331, pages 1004-1013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- F. Anton, D. Mioc, and C. M. Gold. Line voronoi diagram based interpolation and application to digital terrain modelling. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 29-32, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2001.
- J. Chen, C. Li, Z.-L. Li, and C. M. Gold. Voronoi-based 9-intersection model for spatial relations. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15:201-220, 2001. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Crusts, skeletons and terrain modelling. In Oral presentation: Dagstuhl Workshop on Computational Cartography, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2001.
- C. M. Gold and M. Dakowicz. Terrain modelling from contours. In Proceedings of the 3th ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, pages 427-432, Bangkok, Thailand, 2001. PDF
- C. M. Gold and J. Snoeyink. A one-step crust and skeleton extraction algorithm. Algorithmica, 30:144-163, 2001. PDF
- C. M. Gold and D. Thibault. Map generalization by skeleton retraction. In Proceedings International Cartographic Association, pages 2072-2081, Beijing,China, 2001. PDF
- M. A. Mostafavi and C. M. Gold. Voronoi diagrams of moving points on the sphere. 2001. Submitted.
- H. Shu, G. Edwards, and C. M. Gold. Visual communication of spatio-temporal semantics. In Proceedings International Cartographic Association, pages 2688-2700, Beijing, China, 2001.
- H. Shu, C. M. Gold, and J. Chen. Primary spatial changes. In Proceedings Third ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS, pages 262-268, Bangkok, Thailand, 2001.
- R. O. C. Tse and C. M. Gold. Terrain, dinosaurs and cadastres-options for three-dimensional modeling. In Proceedings International Workshop on `3D Cadastres', Delft, The Netherlands, 2001. PDF
- M. K. Allouche, B. Moulin, and C. M. Gold. Une revue des modèles spatio-temporels dans les systèmes d'information géographiques. In Proceedings Geomatics 2000, Montreal, Quebec, 2000.
- F. Anton, D. Mioc, and A. Fournier. 2d image reconstruction using natural neighbour interpolation. In Proceedings, The 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization in Central Europe (WSCG' 2000), Plzen City, Czech Republic, 2000. PDF
- J. Chen, C. Li, Z.-L. Li, and C. M. Gold. Improving 9-intersection model by replacing the complement with Voronoi region. Geo-spatial Information Science, 3:1-10, 2000.PDF
- C. M. Gold. Computing and the spatial sciences. In Proceedings, International IT Conference on Geo-Spatial Education, Hong Kong, China, 2000. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Primal/dual spatial relationships and applications. In Proceedings International Conference on Spatial Data Handling, volume 4a, pages 15-27, Beijing, China, 2000. PDF
- C. M. Gold and M. A. Mostafavi. Towards the global GIS. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 55:150-163, 2000. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. Visualization of the nucleation and growth of particles. In Proceedings 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization in Central Europe (WSCG' 2000), Plzen City, Czech Republic, 2000. PDF
- D. Thibault and C. M. Gold. Terrain reconstruction from contours by skeleton construction. In GeoInformatica, volume 4, pages 349-373, 2000. PDF
- M. S. Bel Haj Kacem, J. J. Chevallier, J. L. Robert, and C. M. Gold. Intégration de la méthode des éléments finis dans un système d'information hydrologique pour la gestion stratégique des eaux de surface. Revue internationale de géomatique, 1999.
- C. M. Gold. An algorithmic approach to marine GIS. In D. Wright and D. Bartlett, editors, Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, chapter 4, pages 37-52. 1999. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Crust and anti-crust: A one-step boundary and skeleton extraction algorithm. In Proceedings ACM Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 189-196, Miami, FL, USA, 1999. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Crust and anti-crust: simple boundary and skeleton extraction. In Oral presentation: Dagstuhl Workshop on Computational Cartography, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 1999.
- C. M. Gold. Keynote speech: The beauty of spatial relationships. Joint ISPRS Commission Workshop, Dynamic and Multidimensional GIS, Beijing, China, 1999.
- C. M. Gold. Keynote speech: The joy of spatial relationships. In Queen's University, Kingston, Canada: Joint Meeting, Mathematics, Geography and Computer Science Departments, 1999.
- C. M. Gold, P. R. Remmele, and T. Roos. Fully dynamic and kinematic Voronoi diagrams in GIS. Algorithmica (Special Issue on Cartography and GIS), 1999. PDF
- C. M. Gold, D. Thibault, and X. Liu. Map generalization by skeleton retraction. In Oral presentation International Cartographic Association Workshop on Cartographic Generalization, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1999. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, C. M. Gold, and B. Moulin. `time travel' visualization in a dynamic Voronoi data structure. In Cartography and Geographic Information Science, volume 26, pages 99-108, 1999.
- H. Shu, J. Chen, and C. M. Gold. Application of the functional data model and cellular structure theory to continuously time-varying spatial data modelling. In Proceedings Joint ISPRS Commission Workshop, Dynamic and Multidimensional GIS, pages 211-214, Beijing, China, 1999.
- H. Shu, J. Chen, and C. M. Gold. Basic spatial events and their abstract data types in spatio-temporal data modelling. In Proceedings Joint ISPRS Commission Workshop, Dynamic and Multidimensional GIS, pages 163-166, Beijing, China, 1999.
- D. Thibault and C. M. Gold. Terrain reconstruction from contours by skeleton retraction. In Proceedings Joint ISPRS Commission Workshop, Dynamic and Multidimensional GIS, pages 23-27, Beijing, China, 1999. PDF
- F. Anton, C. M. Gold, D. Mioc, and B. Moulin. Local coordinates and interpolation in a Voronoi diagram for a set of points and line segments. In In Proceedings, 2nd Voronoi Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Space Tillings, pages 9-12, Kiev, Ukraine, 1998.
- F. Anton, D. Mioc, and C. M. Gold. Dynamic additively weighted voronoi diagrams made easy. In In Proceedings, Tenth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG'98), page 2, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1998. PDF
- F. Anton, J. Snoeyink, and C. M. Gold. An iterative algorithm for the determination of voronoi vertices in polygonal and non-polygonal domains on the plane and the sphere. In Proceedings 14th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (CG'98), pages 33-35, Barcelona, Spain, 1998. PDF
- M. S. Bel Haj Kacem, J. L. Robert, C. M. Gold, and J. J. Chevallier. Modeling a hydrological process using a gis and the finite numerical method: a new tool for the strategic management of water resources. In Proceedings Spatial Data Infrastructures, SDI'98, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1998.
- M. S. Bel Haj Kacem, J. L. Robert, C. M. Gold, and J. J. Chevallier. Modeling a hydrological process using a gis and the finite numerical simulation: towards a new paradigm for sustainable development. In Proceedings International Symposium on Real-time Imaging and Dynamic Analysis, ISPRS, Hakodate, Japan, 1998.
- C. M. Gold. Environmental mapping made simple. In C. A. Brebbia and P. Pascolo, editors, Proceedings GIS Technologies and their Environmental Applications, pages 251-260, Udine, Italy, 1998. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, England. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The Quad-Arc data structure. In T. K. Poiker and N. R. Chrisman, editors, Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 713-724, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1998. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The use of the dynamic Voronoi data structure in autonomous marine navigation. In Proceedings Advanced Robotics: Beyond 2000. The 29th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR98), pages 217-220, Birmingham, England, 1998. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Voronoi methods in geomatics - the importance of the spatial model. (abstract). In Proceedings Canadian Mathematical Society 1998 Winter Meeting, CMS, page 28, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 1998.
- C. M. Gold and S. Andre. A simplified approach to forest decision support systems. In Proceedings GIS '98/RT '98: Pathways to Knowledge Integration, pages 125-127, Toronto, ON, Canada, 1998.PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. An algorithm for the dynamic construction and maintenance of additively weighted Voronoi diagrams. In Proceedings 14th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, pages 117-119, Barcelona, Spain, 1998. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. An incremental algorithm for the computation of planar Johnson-Mehl tesselations. In Proceedings 2nd Voronoi Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Space Tillings, pages 42-44, Kiev, Ukraine, 1998. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. Spatio-temperal map generalizations in the dynamic voronoi spatial data model (accepted). Geoinformatica Special Issue on Map Generalization, 1998.
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. Visualizing changes in a dynamic voronoi data structure via time travel. In Proceedings 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization in Central Europe (WSCG' 98), volume 2, pages 263-269, Plzen City, Czech Republic, 1998. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, C. M. Gold, and B. Moulin. Spatio-temperal change representation and map updates in a dynamic Voronoi data structure. In T. K. Poiker and N. R. Chrisman, editors, Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 441-452, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1998. PDF
- F. Anton and C. M. Gold. An iterative algorithm for the determination of Voronoi vertices in polygonal and non-polygonal domains. In In Proceedings, Ninth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 257-262, Kingston, ON, Canada, 1997. PDF
- J. Chen and C. M. Gold. Extending ordinary planar-graph-based spatial data model with voronoi approach. In Huang Y. Wang Y. Xie C. Hu, P. and C. Zhou, editors, In Proceedings of IEAS'97 and IWGIS'97, volume 3, pages 1202-1206, Beijing, China, 1997. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Forest harvesting decision support for sustainable development. In P. Hu, Y. Huang, Y. Wang, C. Xie, and C. Zhou, editors, Proceedings of IEAS'97 and IWGIS'97, volume 2, pages 760-765, Beijing, China, 1997. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The global GIS. In Y. C. Lee and Z.-L. Li, editors, Proceedings International Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS, pages 80-91, Hong Kong, China, 1997. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The role of topology in GIS. In Keynote speech, GIS'97. Special Theme Day: Spatial Databases for GIS Research, Development and Use, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1997.
- C. M. Gold. Simple topology generation from scanned maps. In Proceedings Auto-Carto 13, ACM/ASPRS, volume 5, pages 337-346, Seattle, WA, USA, 1997. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Voronoi diagrams in GIS. In Oral Presentation, Workshop on Voronoi Applications, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, 1997.
- C. M. Gold and V. J. Gold. Bibliography of wildlife management research for the quebec boreal forest. Technical report, Network of Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Forestry Report Series, Quebec, QC, Canada, 1997.
- C. M. Gold and T. Moore. Boreal forest network of centres of excellence in sustainable forestry. In Proceedings Forest Harvest Modelling Workshop, Quebec, QC, Canada, 1997.
- C. M. Gold, P. R. Remmele, and T. Roos. Voronoi methods in gis. In Nievergeld J. Roos T. Van Kreveld, M. and P. Widmeyer, editors, Algorithmic Foundations of GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1340, pages 21-35. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1997. PDF
- D. Mioc, F. Anton, and C. M. Gold. Spatio-temporal map generalizations in the dynamic Voronoi spatial data model. In International Cartographic Association Workshop on Map Generalization, Gavle, Sweden, 1997.
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. A system approach to automated map generalization. In Y. C. Lee and Z.-L. Li, editors, Proceedings International Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS, pages 229-235, Hong Kong, China, 1997. PDF
- F. Anton and C. M. Gold. Le système de numérisation Voronoï intelligent, interactif et dynamique: ses applications à la foresterie in seance d'affichage. In Proceedings ler Forum annuel de la R&D en géomatique au Québec organisé par le Centre de développement de la géomatique, Université Laval, QC, Canada, 1996.
- G. Edwards, G. Ligozat, A. Gryl, L. Fraczac, B. Moulin, and C. M. Gold. A Voronoi-based pivot representation of spatial concepts and its application to route descriptions expressed in natural language. In M. J. Kraak and M. Molenaar, editors, Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data handling, pages 7B1-7B15, Delft, The Netherlands, 1996. PDF
- C. M. Gold. A topological approach to processing scanned urban maps. In T. Sellis and D. Georgoulis, editors, Proceedings First International Conference on GIS in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, pages 156-166, Samos, Greece, 1996. PDF
- C. M. Gold. An event-driven approach to spatio-temporal mapping. Geomatics, 50:415-424, 1996. PDF
- Christopher M. Gold, J. Nantel, and Weiping Yang. Outside-in: An alternative approach to forest map digitizing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 10(3):291-310, 1996. PDF
- D. Mioc and C. M. Gold. La numérisation rapide de cartes et automatique d'images balayées basée sur le diagramme Voronoi en seance d'affichage. In ler Forum annuel de la R&D en géomatique au Québec organisé par le Centre de développement de la géomatique, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada, 1996.
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. Managing spatial objects with the VMO-Tree. In M. J. Kraak and M. Molenaar, editors, Proceedings Seventh International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 711-726, Delft, The Netherlands, 1996. PDF
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. The VMO-Tree: A dynamic spatial data model for maps. In T. Sellis and D. Georgoulis, editors, Proceedings First International Conference on GIS in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, pages 260-270, Samos, Greece, 1996. PDF
- G. Edwards, G. Ligozat, A. Gryl, L. Fraczac, B. Moulin, and C. M. Gold. Un modèle pivot pour la représentation de l'espace basé sur les diagrammes de Voronoi: application aux descriptions d'itinéraires en langage naturel. In Proceedings CASSINI, pages 1-27, Marseille, France, 1995. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The digital simulation of geographic space and time. In Oral Presentation, International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT'95, Semmering, Austria, 1995. PDF
- C. M. Gold and F. Anton. Navigating in the map. In Proceedings 17th International Cartographic Conference, 10th General Assembly of ICA, pages 287-295, Barcelona, Spain, 1995. PDF
- C. M. Gold and A. R. Condal. A spatial data structure integrating GIS and simulation in a marine environment. Marine Geodesy, 18:213-228, 1995. PDF
- C. M. Gold, P. R. Remmele, and T. Roos. Voronoi diagrams of line segments made easy. In C. M. Gold and J. M. Robert, editors, Proceedings 7th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 223-228, Quebec, QC, Canada, 1995. PDF
- K. E. Lowell and C. M. Gold. Using a fuzzy surface-based cartographic representation to decrease digitizing efforts for natural phenomena. Cartography and GIS, 22:222-231, 1995. PDF
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. Dynamic spatial object condensation based on the Voronoi diagram. In J. Chen, X. Shi, and W. Gao, editors, Proceedings Fourth International Symposium of LIESMARS'95 - Towards threee-dimensional, temporal and dynamic spatial data modelling and analysis, pages 134-145, Wuhan, China, 1995. PDF
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. Compression dynamique des objets spatiaux avec le diagramme de Voronoi. In Oral Presentation, 6e Congres annuel de l'Institut Atlantique, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, 1995.
- F. Anton and C. M. Gold. An intelligent and direct manipulation digitizing system. In Proceedings 5th Annual Atlantic Institute Research Conference, Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 1994.
- F. Anton and C. M. Gold. An intelligent and direct-manipulation digitizing system. In In Proceedings, URISA 1994 Annual Conference, pages 834-845, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 1994. PDF
- F. Anton and C. M. Gold. A truly intelligent and interactive digitizing system. In In Proceedings, Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 1554-1562, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1994. PDF
- L. Dubois and C. M. Gold. Analyse méthodologique de développement d'applications interactives pour les systèmes d'aide à la decision forestières. In Proceedings, Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 1406-1412, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Review: Spatial tesselations - concepts and applications of Voronoi diagrams. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, Vol. 8:237-238, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Advantages of the voronoi spatial model. In P. Frederiksen, editor, Proceedings Eurocarto XII, pages 1-10, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Persistent spatial relations - a systems design objective. In M. Keil, editor, Proceedings Sixth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 219-224, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Dynamic data structures: the interactive map. In M. Molenaar and S. de Hoop, editors, Proceedings Advanced Geographic Data Modelling - Spatial Data Modelling and Query Languages for 2D and 3D Applications, volume 40, pages 121-128, Netherlands Geodetic Commission Publications on Geodesy (New Series), 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Relations spatiales persistentes - un objectif de conception de systèmes. In S. Servigne and R. Laurini, editors, Proceedings Les journees de la recherche CASSINI - Systemes d'information geographiques, pages 223-230, Lyon, France, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Three approaches to automated topology, and how computational geometry helps. In T. C. Waugh and R. G. Healey, editors, Proceedings, Sixth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 145-158, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. An object-based method for modelling geological surfaces containing linear data. In Proceedings Annual Meeting of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, pages 141-146, Mont Tremblant, QC, Canada, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. A review of potential applications of Voronoi methods in geomatics. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 1647-1656, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1994. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Voronoi methods in GIS. Invited presentation at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 1994.
- C. M. Gold and T. Roos. Surface modelling with guaranteed consistency - an object-based approach. In Roos T. Schek H.-J. Nievergelt, J. and P. Widmayer, editors, Proceedings IGIS'94: Geographic Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 884, pages 70-87, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, 1994. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. PDF
- F. Paquet, A. Viau, C. M. Gold, and P. Daloze. Intégration des bases de données à référence spatiale pour des fins de régionalisation du réseau agrométéorologique du mapaq (abstract). In Proceedings,62nd Congrès de l'ACFAS, volume 62, page 88, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1994.
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. The architecture of a dynamic distributed GIS. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 1185-1192, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1994. PDF
- J. M. Bilodeau, S. Gosselin, K. E. Lowell, G. Edwards, and C. M. Gold. Operational integration of gps into forest management activities which use a gis to monitor forest operations. In In Proceedings GIS'93, Eyes on the Future, pages 195-200, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1993. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Dynamic (time-managed) GIS - the implications of re-thinking spatial data structures. In Proceedings Department of National Defence Workshop on Applications of GIS to Canadian Forces Mission Planning and Decision Support, volume A, pages 7-16, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1993. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Forestry spatial decision support system classification and the `flight simulator' approach. In Proceedings GIS'93, Eyes on the Future, pages 797-802, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1993. PDF
- C. M. Gold. An outline of an event-driven spatial data structure for managing time-varying maps. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 880-888, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1993. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Review: Contouring - a guide to the analysis and display of spatial data. Computers and Geosciences, 19:1571-1572, 1993. PDF
- C. M. Gold and W. Yang. The design of an urban gis to manage frequent spatial updates. In D. Du, J. Chen, B. Forester, and X. Shi, editors, Proceedings AUSIA'93 Advances in Urban Spatial Information and Analysis, pages 1-7, Wuhan, China, 1993. PDF
- W. Yang and C. M. Gold. An outline of a dynamic solution to spatio-temporal windowing in an urban GIS. In D. Du, J. Chen, B. Forester, and X. Shi, editors, Proceedings AUSIA'93, Advances in Urban Spatial Information and Analysis, pages 36-44, Wuhan, China, 1993. PDF
- J. Chen and C. M. Gold. Research directions for spatial decision support. In Du D. Zhang H. Zhang, Z. and H. Fan, editors, Proceedings The International Colloquium on Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, pages 1-8, Wuhan, China, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. An object-based dynamic spatial model, and its application in the development of a user-friendly digitizing system. In P. Bresnahan, E. Corwin, and D. Cowen, editors, Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 495-504, Charleston, NC, USA, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Dynamic spatial data structures - the voronoi approach. In Proceedings The Canadian Conference on GIS, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 245-255, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. The meaning of `neighbour'. In Lecture Notes in Computing Science 639: In Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space, pages 220-235. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Spatial adjacency as the basis for spatial data structures. In Course materials prepared for the workshop on Voronoi Methods for Handling Geographic Data, Fifth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Charleston, NC, USA, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Surface interpolation as a voronoi spatial adjacency problem. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 419-431, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold and G. Edwards. The Voronoi spatial model - two and three dimensional applications in image analysis. ITC Journal, 1:11-19, 1992. PDF
- K. E. Lowell, G. Edwards, and C. M. Gold. Considerations for adapting conventional forest management methodologies to a spatial framework using GIS: data, statistical techniques and errors. In Proceedings IUFRO Conference, pages 429-439, Canberra, Australia, 1992. PDF
- K. E. Lowell, G. Edwards, and C. M. Gold. Localizing forest management using gis and remote sensing: the research agenda of the industrial Chair in Geomatics with Applications to Forestry. In Proceedings Canadian Conference on GIS, pages 191-201, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1992. PDF
- K. E. Lowell, C. M. Gold, and G. Edwards. The next generation of digital spatial technologies: error utilization, thematic map and remote sensing integration, spatial operators and data structures. In Proceedings GIS'92 Symposium, page 7, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1992. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Applications of dynamic voronoi data structures. In Oral Presentation, Second European Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Brussels, Belgium, 1991. PDF
- C. M. Gold. How universal is the Voronoi diagram? In Oral Presentation, Seminar, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, E.T.H., Swiss federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, 1991.
- C. M. Gold. Problems with handling spatial data - the voronoi approach. CISM Journal, 45:65-80, 1991. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Properties of the Voronoi spatial data structure. In Oral Presentation, I.S.P.R.S. Commission III/1 workshop Geographic Information Theory, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 1991.
- C. M. Gold and G. Edwards. Why do spatial models matter? - applications of Voronoi raster/vector integration. In Oral Presentation, I.S.P.R.S. Commissions II and VII joint workshop 3-D in remote sensing and G.I.S.: systems and applications, Munich, Germany, 1991.
- C. M. Gold. Space revisited - back to the basics. In K. Brassel and H. Kishimoto, editors, Proceedings Fourth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 175-189, Zurich, Switzerland, 1990. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Neighbours, adjacency and theft - the Voronoi process for spatial analysis. In Ottens H. F. L. Harts, J. and H. J. Scholten, editors, Proceedings First European Conference on Geographic Information Systems, pages 382-391, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1990. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Spatial data structures - the extension from one to two dimensions. In L. F. Pau, editor, Mapping and Spatial Modelling for Navigation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1990. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Problems with handling spatial data - the Voronoi solution. In Invited speaker, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, 1990.
- C. M. Gold and F. Zhou. Spatial statistics based on voronoi polygons. In Y. C. Lee, editor, Trends and Concerns of Spatial Sciences: Fourth Annual International Symposium - Collected Papers, 1990.PDF
- C. M. Gold. Chapter 3 - surface interpolation, spatial adjacency and G.I.S. In J. Raper, editor, Three Dimensional Applications in Geographic Information Systems, pages 21-35. Taylor and Francis, London, England, 1989. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Geographic information systems in Canadian geography - opportunities and problems. In R. Vogelsang, editor, Proceedings Canada in the '80s - geographical problems and research, pages 8-18, Institut fur Kanada-Studien, Augsburg, Germany, 1989. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Breadth versus depth: the dilemma of G.I.S. education. In Proceedings G.I.S. - challenge for the 1990s, pages 886-900, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1989. PDF
- C. M. Gold. G.I.S. education in canada. In Oral Presentation, Second International Symposium on G.I.S. education, Columbus, OH, USA, 1989.
- C. M. Gold. Geographic information theory based on the voronoi spatial model. In Oral Presentation, I.S.P.R.S. Commission III workshop, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1989.
- C. M. Gold. The i.c.a. commission on advanced technology g.i.s. project - g.i.s. and modelling for developing nations. In Oral Presentation, International Cartographic Association Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 1989.
- C. M. Gold. Spatial adjacency - a general approach. In Proceedings Auto-Carto 9, pages 298-312, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1989. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Voronoi diagrams and spatial adjacency. In Proceedings G.I.S. - challenge for the 1990s, pages 1309-1316, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1989. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Further research on Voronoi diagrams - a common basis for many applications. In Y. Bedard, editor, Proceedings Trends and Concerns of Spatial Sciences, Third Annual International Seminar, Universite Laval, QC, Canada, 1988. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Point and area interpolation and the digital terrain model. In Y. C. Lee, editor, Proceedings Trends and concerns of spatial sciences, Second Annual International Symposium, pages 133-147, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 1988. PDF
- C. M. Gold. PAN graphs: an aid to G.I.S. analysis. In International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, volume 2, pages 29-42, 1988. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Surface interpolation, spatial adjacency and g.i.s. In Oral Presentation, G.I.S. Symposium - Integrating Technology and Geoscience Applications, Denver, CO, USA, 1988.
- C. M. Gold. Spatial ordering of Voronoi networks and their use in terrain data base management. In N. R. Chrisman, editor, Proceedings Auto-Carto 8, pages 185-194, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1987. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Cartographic education in canada. The Canadian Surveyor, 41:466-476, 1987. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Mapping is a diffusion problem. In Proceedings Canadian Cartographic Association, annual meeting, pages 332-362, Quebec, QC, Canada, 1987. PDF
- C. M. Gold and S. Cormack. Spatially ordered networks and topographic reconstructions. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 1:137-148, 1987. PDF
- H. A. K. Charlesworth, C. M. Gold, D. A. Wynne, and J. Guidos. An integrated microcomputer-based system for storing, retrieving and processing structural, stratigraphic and positional data from outcrops, drill-holes and seismic records. In In Oral Presentation, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Fall Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, 1986.
- C. M. Gold. Mathematics education for automated cartography and geographic information systems. In Oral Presentation, Canadian Cartographic Association, annual meeting, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 1986.
- C. M. Gold and S. Cormack. Spatially ordered networks and topographic reconstructions. In Proceedings Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pages 74-85, Seattle, WA, USA, 1986. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Surficial geology in the sand river. In (NTS 73L) map area - erosional history , bedrock topography, stratigraphy and hydrostatigraphy, page 74, Earth Sciences Division of Alberta Environment, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1985.
- D. D. Caulfield, D. J. Kenway, and C. M. Gold. Stereo side-scan as a complement to echo-sounding for high resolution bathymetric studies. In In Report, USN/SEG Three Dimensional Marine Data Collection, Processing, Interpretation and Presentation: Fourth Biennial Society of Exploration Geophysics/U.S. Navy Joint Technical Symposium, Diamond Head, MS, USA, 1984.
- T. S. Chau and C. M. Gold. Impact of groundwater utilization on the durlingville aquifer system. In Proceedings, International Symposium on Groundwater Resources Utilization and Containment Hydrogeology. International Association of Hydrogeologists, volume 1, pages 11-21, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1984.
- Dene Mapping Project Team. Dene land use and occupancy data base: technical update. Technical report, 1984.
- C. M. Gold. Common sense automated contouring - some generalizations. 21:121-129, 1984. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Computer mapping and the geosciences - who is the expert: consultant or client? In Oral Presentation, Canadian Cartographic Association, annual meeting, London, ON, Canada, 1984.
- C. M. Gold and T. Chau. Groundwater modelling in Cold Lake - Beaver river water management study. page 72, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1984. Planning Division, Alberta Environment. Vol. Appendix C of vol. 2.
- E. R. Kanasewich, D. Bingham, and C. M. Gold. Continuous monitoring of microtremors using a digital seismic array. In M Simaan, editor, Advances in Geophysical Data Processing, volume Vol. 1. Vertical Seismic Profiles, Greenwich, CT, USA, 1984. JAI Press Inc.
- H. A. K. Charlesworth and C. M. Gold. TRIPOD, a computer-based system for collecting, storing, editing, retrieving, and processing certain structural, stratigraphic and positional data from outcrops and drill holes. Technical report, Dept of Geology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Edmonton, AB, 1983.
- T. S. Chau and C. M. Gold. A modelling study of groundwater allocation in the cold lake - beaver river basin. Technical report, Earth Sciences Division of Alberta Environment, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1983.
- Dene Mapping Project Team. Dene and inuvialuit historical land use overlap in the Northwest Territories. Technical report, 1983.
- C. M. Gold. Some problems in the mapping of geographical surfaces (abstract). In B. S. Wellar, editor, Proceedings Auto-Carto 6, page 414, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1983. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Some principles for geographic surface modelling. In Oral Presentation In Computer Graphics and Mapping: Trends and Updates. Canadian Cartographic Association/Canadian Institute of Surveying/Dept of Geography, University of Alberta - Joint Symposium, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1983.
- C. M. Gold. Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the cold lake area. In Oral Presentation, International Association of Hydrogeologists, regional meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, 1983.
- C. M. Gold. Tertiary drainage in the western canada sedimentary basin. In Oral Presentation, Geological Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, volume 8, Victoria, BC, Canada, 1983.
- C. M. Gold, P. A. Cavell, and D. G. W. Smith. Clay minerals in mixtures - sample preparation, analysis and statistical interpretation. In Oral Presentation, Clay Minerals Conference, volume Vol. 31, pages 191-199, American Mineralogical Society, Waco, TX, USA, 1983. PDF
- C. M. Gold, L. D. Andriashek, and M. M. Fenton. Bedrock topography of the Sand River map area. Technical Report NTS 73L, Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1983.
- Dene Mapping Project Team. Report on Dene/ ITC-COPE border overlap in the Northwest Territories. Technical report, 1982.
- C. M. Gold. Geological computer mapping: is it the solution or the problem? In D. H. Douglas and A. R. Boyle, editors, Proceedings Canadian Cartographic Association Special Seminar - Computer Assisted Cartography and Geographic Information Processing: Hope and Realism, pages 9-14, Calgary, AB, Canada, 1982. PDF
- E. R. Kanasewich, C. M. Gold, D. T. Sneddon, M. D. Burke, and D. J. Kenway. The cold lake digital seismic monitoring array. In Proceedings Fourth Canadian Symposium on Mining of Surveying and Deformation Measurements, pages 307-320, Canadian Institute of Surveying, Calgary, AB, Canada, 1982.
- T. K. Peucker and C. M. Gold. Geological mapping with faults. Technical Report 21 + Appendices, Consultants' report for European Software Contractors Ltd., 1982.
- Dene Mapping Project Team. Dene land use and occupancy data base: technical abstract. Technical report, 1982.
- H. A. K. Charlesworth and C. M. Gold. A computer-based system for collecting, storing, editing, retrieving and processing certain types of outcrop and drillhole data. In Proceedings, Seminar on Research in Tectonics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 1981.
- C. M. Gold, H. A. K. Charlesworth, and W. E. Kilby. Coal resource evaluation in deformed sequences using digital terrain models. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 29:259-266, 1981. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Drill hole data validation for subsurface stratigraphic modelling. In P. A. Moore, editor, Proceedings Computer Mapping of Natural Resources and the Environment. Harvard Library of Computer Graphics, l980 Mapping Collection, volume 10, pages 52-58, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA, 1980. Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Geological mapping by computer. In D. R. F. Taylor, editor, The Computer in Contemporary Cartography, chapter 8, pages 151-190. John Wiley and Sons, London, England, 1980. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Geographical data bases for geological mapping. In Oral Presentation, In Association for Computing Machinery, Mountain Region Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 1980. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Triangulation based terrain modelling - where are we now? In R. T. Aangeenburg, editor, Proceedings, Auto-Carto 4, International Symposium on Cartography and Computing, volume 2, pages 104-111, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1979. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Stratigraphy of surficial deposits in part of east-central alberta. Technical report, Earth Sciences Division of Alberta Environment, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1979.
- C. M. Gold. TRIMAP manual: triangulation-based mapping of digital terrain models (revised l984). Technical report, Datum Geo-Services Ltd., Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1979.
- C. M. Gold and W. E. Kilby. A case study of coal resource evaluation in the Canadian Rockies using digital terrain models. In Computer Mapping in Natural Resources and the Environment Harvard Library of Computer Graphics, l979 Mapping Collection, pages 45-50, Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA, 1979. PDF
- D. G. W. Smith and C. M. Gold. EDATA2: a Fortran IV computer program for processing wavelength- and/or energy-dispersive electron microprobe analyses. In D. E. Newbury, editor, Proceedings 14th Annual Conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, pages 273-278, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1979. San Francisco Press. PDF
- C. B. Wrightson, C. M. Gold, and H. A. K. Charlesworth. Structure-contour maps computer-constructed from orientational, stratigraphic and positional outcrop data. In Oral Presentation, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA, 1979.
- C. M. Gold. The practical generation and use of geographic triangular element data structures. In G. Dutton, editor, Proceedings First International Advanced Study Symposium on Topological Data Structures for Geographic Information Systems. Harvard Papers on Geographic Information Systems, volume volume 5 - Data Structures: Surficial and Multi Dimensional. Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, pages 1-18, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA, 1978. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Quantitative methods in the evaluation of the quaternary geology of the sand river (73L) map sheet, alberta, canada. Technical report, Department of Geology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1978.
- C. M. Gold and U. M. Maydell. Triangulation and spatial ordering in computer cartography. In Proceedings Canadian Cartographic Association third annual meeting, pages 69-8l, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1978. PDF
- C. M. Gold, T. D. Charters, and J. Ramsden. Automated contour mapping using triangular element data structures and an interpolant over each triangular domain. In J George, editor, Proceedings Sigraph '77. Computer Graphics, volume 11, pages 170-175, San Francisco, USA, 1977. PDF
- C. M. Gold. Surface estimation from irregularly spaced data points using an interpolant over irregular triangular domains (abstract). In In Geological and Mineralogical Associations of Canada, Program with Abstracts, volume 1, page 84, 1976.
- C. M. Gold. Triangular element data structures. In Proceedings University of Alberta Computing Services Users' Applications Symposium, pages 43-54, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1976. PDF
- C. M. Gold and D. G. W. Smith. EDATA - a Fortran IV program for calculation of chemical compositions from spectra obtained by energy dispersive microbeam analysis. Technical report, Dept. of Geology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1976.
- D. G. W. Smith and C. M. Gold. A scheme for fully quantitative energy dispersive microprobe analysis. Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 19:191-201, 1976. PDF
- D. G. W. Smith, C. M. Gold, and D. A. Tomlinson. The atomic number dependence of the X-ray continuum intensity and the practical calculation of background in energy-dispersive electron microprobe analysis X-Ray. Spectrometry, 4:149-156, 1975. PDF
- J. A. Westgate and C. M. Gold. World Bibliography and Index of Quaternary Tephrochronology. University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1974.
- J. T. Parry and C. M. Gold. Solar altitude nomogram. Photogrametric Engineering, 38:89l-899, 1972. PDF
- R. D. Morton and C. M. Gold. Simulated graphical index of mineral powder diffraction patterns. Technical Report Index and 7 vols, Department of Geology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 1971.
- C. M. Gold. The mineralogical variations in the horizons of some Quebec orthic podzols. Master's thesis, In Department of Soil Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, QC, 1970
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