Collection of Mesh Generation Links
Collections of Links
Online Conferences/Journals/Newsletters & Big Paper Collections
- Meshing Roundtable 95, many papers available in PS
- Meshing Roundtable 96, many papers available in PS
- Meshing Roundtable 97
- Numerical Analysis Digest (NA Digest) online newsletter
- NASA tech reports (try search for "triang*")
- Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation, NASA, tech reports
- MGNet multigrid repository (papers, newsletters, code)
- SEL-HPC Article Archive collection of papers. The London & South-East centre for High Performance Computing (HPC, computational math, vision, misc, multigrid)
- INRIA tech reports (France). See, in particular, Project Gamma info (English), But see also French version, as it has more info. Project Gamma tech reports index, full index, (2671, 2672, 2741, 2882, 2928)
- CERCA technical reports abstracts (Montreal)
- Mesh generation mailing list, created by Steve Owen
Offline Conferences & Journals
People and Their Papers
- Frank Bossen, anisotropic mesh generation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
- Paul Heckbert, anisotropic mesh generation, Carnegie Mellon
- multiresolution modeling modeling, surface simplification, and terrain links collected by Michael Garland and Paul Heckbert, Carnegie Mellon. These methods are mostly intended for simplification of surface meshes, but many could easily be specialized or generalized for 2-D or 3-D mesh coarsening.
- Critique of Computational Geometry, discussion of mesh generation
- David Eppstein's papers computational geometry & mesh generation (prof, UC Irvine)
- David Gossard shape optimization, mesh generation, topological design (ME prof, MIT)
- Kenji Shimada's work, on bubble meshing and related topics (incl. graded, anisotropic meshes), Carnegie Mellon University; earlier bubble meshing work at IBM Japan
- SDRC FEM/mesh paper (cites Shimada's bubble mesh)
- NASA Langley Research Center, GEOLAB geometry lab (Mary Anne Posenau et al)
- Castro-Diaz et al report on MODULEF project in french (anisotropic mesh generation, viscous flow)
- Steven Vavasis Cornell CS, numerical analysis, 3-D mesh generation
- Steven Vavasis on mesh generation
- discussion of 3-D Delaunay meshgen Peter Fleischmann, Austria
- Hybrid Prismatic/Tetrahedral Grid Generation paper abstract U of Texas
- "Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations" book has article on meshgen by Shephard
- "CUBIT Mesh Generation Environment", chapter on meshgen Sandia
- David Marcum mesh generation, viscous flow (prof, Mississippi State)
- Mark Shephard RPI Civil Eng.
- RPI Civil Eng. Research
- RPI Civil Eng. Technical Reports
- SUMAA3D, Scalable Unstructured Mesh Computation, SUMAA3D Argonne National Laboratory (Lori Freitag, Carl Ollivier-Gooch, Mark Jones, and Paul Plassmann) mesh generation and FEM
- Julien Dompierre, CERCA, U of Montreal anisotropic mesh generation for CFD
- Vallet talk on Anisotropic mesh adaptation, Edinburgh, July 1996
- Estimation a posteriori et maillage adaptatif Fortin at Laval, Vallet at CERCA, et al
- Eduardo D'Azevedo optimal triangulation, differential geometry, approximation theory, Oak Ridge
- Bruce Simpson optimal triangulation, differential geometry, approximation theory, U of Waterloo
- Ernst Mucke alpha shapes, computational geometry, ANSYS
- O.C. Zienkiewicz finite element method, Swansea
- Nigel P. Weatherill mesh generation for CFD, Swansea
- Mike Hohmeyer, ICEM CFD Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (emphasis on CFD, not meshgen)
- Paul Chew, Cornell, cool postscript animation of mesh generation
- CFD group at George Mason University, Rainald Loehner et al., unstructured 3-D mesh gen, military simulations (tanks, trucks, aircraft)
- Enzo Dari, Argentina, anisotropic mesh generation, 3-D mesh optimization
- simulation of particles in liquid, Daniel Joseph, U. of Minnesota, emphasis on CFD, not meshing
- Daniel Rypl, Czech Technical University in Prague, surface mesh generation, advancing front, anisotropic
- Petr Krysl, Computational Mechanics Group, Northwestern University (surface mesh generation, meshless methods)
- George Drettakis' discontinuity meshing info, computer graphics, radiosity, Grenoble, France
- Dani Lischinski, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, discontinuity meshing for radiosity
- Daniel Tunkelang's graph layout Java program
- Ken Brakke's Surface Evolver, cool software for variational surface problems in science
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